NEK Community Yoga with Lisa

You are welcome here.
Whether you have been practicing Yoga for many years, or have never been on a mat in your life, NEK Community Yoga welcomes you. Here, in the beautiful Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, we come together as a Yoga family in true Community Spirit. Our practices last one hour and options are given so every body can flow to their personal edge - that place you touch that brings challenge and growth yet keeps you in a state of safety and comfort.
Curious what “Community Yoga” means, exactly?
Community Yoga is not just a side gig, but also a service. A donation vase is available at every class (and of course Venmo is an option), and each person puts in what they feel moved to give. If someone wants Yoga and cannot afford it, well, they can still have Yoga! They are welcome to attend and not pay a dime. Those who can pay, do. Simple. :-) And a Community Yogi gives back to her community in various ways - whether by purchasing extra mats for those who cannot afford them or are not ready to commit, offering occasional 1:1 sessions to those in need, etc. We become a true community - sisters and brothers who come together to practice, and also share, root for each other, send well wishes when needed, and so on. Community Yoga is essential today.
Meet Lisa
Lisa is a Rhode Island transplant. A Nurse by day, a Mom, a Nana, a Traveler, a Hiker, and a Yogi at heart. She is trained to lead Integrative Yoga Therapy (IYT) classes and finds it imperative to do so; to help others discover or deepen this practice that she finds so valuable, especially at a time in the world when healing and community are vital. Lisa’s classes are inclusive, light-hearted, non-competitive, and encouraging.
please register for a class below!
important ~
Find the desired classes below and be sure to register due to class minimums and maximums.
Mondays in Westmore
Mondays from 4:45pm-5:45pm at 51 Hinton Hill Rd. Westmore, VT 05860. We are in the newly-renovated “Little Westmore Cottage” on the right as you turn onto Hinton Hill.
Wednesdays in Irasburg
Wednesdays from 5-6pm at the Leach Public Library at 130 Park Ave. in Irasburg., VT 05845. Exterior door gets locked at 6pm, so you must be there a few minutes prior.
Sundays in Derby Line
Sundays from 8:30am-9:30 am at the First Universalist Parish of Derby Line at 112 Main St, Derby Line, VT 05830. A beautiful space with gorgeous natural light on the US/CA border and welcoming to people on either side of it.
Having an international crowd in this day and age would fill my heart beyond belief.
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Your donations will support efforts to bring accessible Yoga to all in the Northeast Kingdom. Thank you so much for your contribution.